An old, familiar favorite of mine, this is the movie that inspired Mike to collect.
In the Spring of 1985 this was playing on television. Our newborn son and I were spending the first day home from the hospital. Mike and I decided to relax and watch the movie together.
The beginning of Raiders is spellbinding. Mike and I were hooked, hearts pounding hoping Indiana, Harrison Ford, would survive the first scene though we knew the odds were good.
Then the baby fussed. Nothing we did appeased him. We had missed a big chunk of the movie by the time he settled down and we could hear. It occurred to Mike and I that our carefree movie watching, popcorn munching days were over, at least for the near future. If we wanted to follow the all action again we would have to make serious use of the VCR player; something beyond Debbie Does Dallas.
At first Mike rented. Gradually renting shifted to collecting as we came to understand that for some reason movies, like books, don’t stay “in print”.
Raiders has everything I like in a movie. It has a plot with a definite beginning, middle and end,
a leading lady(Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood) who does not simper and twist an ankle while her man is getting the snot beat out of him, very important Hollywood!! It has nail biting suspense, action, and plenty of laughs.
It one of those rare movies to which I have managed to memorize many lines. The music is fabulous and memorable and has been played during many a Fourth of July firework display.
By now there must be a whole generation who have not yet enjoyed this movie!
It gets a thumbs-up from all ten of my thumbs!
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